Constructal Theory in Relation to Metaphysics
Constructal Theory in Relation to Metaphysics and a Christian Worldview
Peter Wesley Odom, Dominic Halsmer, and Sean McDonough (Oral Roberts University)
Constructal Theory as stated by its formulator Adrian Bejan says, "For a finite-size system to persist in time (to live), it must evolve in such a way that it provides easier access to the imposed currents that flow through it." Common examples are that of a how a river flows and the growth pattern of a tree. In order for a river to continue to flow it needs to overcome several forces and become faster and deeper, eroding away more of the earth to allow better flow. Continual reduction of imperfections is needed to counteract the effect of the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
The effects described by the Constructal Theory are similar to the Christian concept of how the Holy Spirit is thought to flow through an individual. Examples of this are given in Luke when the Holy Spirit filled John the Baptist. Other examples included when power flowed out of Jesus when a women touched the hem of his garment in 5:30 “…Jesus realized that power had gone out from him.” A small pool cut off from the source dries up, but if the source continues to flow it either grows larger or overflows. The same can be said of Christians. Without a continual flow from God, life will dry up, but if the flow grows and develop it will spread. The motif of a tree can be seen in John 14:15 where Jesus states “I am the vine and you are the branches.”
Flow always involves some driving force behind it. Life must have some drive that causes it to continue flowing. Jesus spoke about true life, or real life, as something that is deeper than the physical realm; something that is obtained, not simply by the continual intake of air, food and water, but by a vital relationship with the maker. A Christian worldview seems to be consistent with a maker who is engineering the universe, and human beings in particular, using the Constructal Law.